Sr. Véronique Margron

Structure:  Province of France
Member: Ex Officio

Profession: 09/18/1983

I am 61 years of old with specialization in ethical and moral theology.

Professor at the faculty of theology, passionate about the questions of the present time and how Christian intelligence can enter into conversation with it.


Present Mission

President of the Conference of Religious of France.
Provincial Superior.

What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?

  • Better adaptation to our time, because it is God's time. A passion for its challenges. And also a deep reflection on our way of life and the need for updating especially in relation to authority.

  • Participation in the transformation of the Church in the face of crisis of abuse of any kind: power, spiritual, sexual.

  • Reorganization of the Congregation in its structures with no other purpose than to facilitate our commitment to the service of the Word.