The 55th General Chapter begins
La Turena, Bucaramanga (Colombia), 07/12/2019, r. Marta Diazgranados.- With vigor and enthusiasm, we began Morning Prayer in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity in La Turena.
La Turena, Bucaramanga (Colombia), 07/12/2019, r. Marta Diazgranados.- With vigor and enthusiasm, we began Morning Prayer in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity in La Turena.
La Turena, Bucaramanga (Colombia), 7/11/2019, Sr. Marta Diazgranados and Sr. Gertrudis Viñas de la Hoz.- For some time now, the preparation for the 55th General Chapter has begun in the local communities with the invocation of the Holy Spirit asking for their assistance and the constance presence of Our Lady.
Barcelona (Spain), Sr. Gemma Morató.- The website of the General Chapter is a website created for the occasion, intended to offer information before and during the 55th General Chapter of the Congregation.