
Our solidarity will leave its footprints in the present and in the future

Let us renew the spirituality of the Charism of our Foundress, whom privation, poverty, need, and hunger moved and motivated her to leave and go forth to meet all those who were waiting for her service of Charity in solidarity.

Our witness today is to assume a style of life characterized by simplicity, austerity and work in today’s society that not only consumes us, but also makes us compulsive consumers. The way we use our resources and assets and the choices we make tell the world a lot about who we are and what our values are. It is an urgent need to rethink about the ethical criteria that governs our economy and ensure our objective of the common good that is the proclamation of the Gospel.

Our solidarity will leave its footprints in the present and in the future, if we really witness with our actions the quality of our evangelical poverty, that leads us to give generously our "five loaves and two fish".

Source: 55th General Chapter - 2019 

In a multicultural world

In our multicultural world, sharing and solidarity is necessary to construct a more just and fraternal society more in accord with what God wants for humanity. It depends on all of us, Christians or not, believers or not, in the daily sharing of life as in the projects of great significance.

Civil society offers us through its governmental and nongovernmental organizations, (NGO) opportunities to form alliances to unite our strengths with those who share our concerns and values. The accompaniment of persons and marginalized groups and the ecological concerns could be areas for common actions.

Source: 54th General Chapter - 2014


Solidarity Projects

Project in Ciudadela Nueva Girón - Colombia

Social involvement Project and provide with spaces of human promotion  READ MORE


Project in Dalmadih - India

Education, health and agricultural skills programs   READ MORE

Project in Guaimaca - Honduras

A presence, multiple solidarity projects   READ MORE

Project in Soacha - Colombia

Towards a comprehensive development of people and community  READ MORE




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