Her name: Marie Poussepin

on 07 Aug, 2020
Hits: 1835

Amman (Jordania), 08/07/2020, Sr. Nancy Jaimes.- 

Her name: Marie Poussepin
Daughter of Providence
Leave Dourdan to go to Sainville
Responding to God vehemently.

Servant of God is called
For making the Gospel come alive
As a consecrated woman
Teaching, healing, serving.

She does not live alone this project
Enlightened by the Spirit
Found a community
Of the third order of Santo Dominic.

In her restless heart she burned
Zeal for the mission
Caring for the poorest
The promotion of youth.

Under the protection of Maria
Trust the Congregation
And she recommends her daughters
The Rosary with devotion.

With her fraternal intercession
The Congregation has grown
Today on four continents
Being witnesses of Jesus.

With faith today her daughters celebrate
25 years of beatification
In fidelity and hope
Blessed by God.

With a jubilant heart
We give thanks to God
For 300 years of history
From our beloved Presentation.