Meeting of governments in Rome

on 20 Feb, 2018
Hits: 3544

Rome (Italy), 02/20/2018, Srs. of General Government.- On February 19th the meeting of the governments of the Structures of Africa, France India and the Middle East was begun in Rome.

Encuentro de gobiernos en RomaEncuentro de gobiernos en Roma

"Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy" Lev 19:2. This quote enlightens the 17 participants of this meeting. Sr. María Escayola Coris, Superior General, in her opening message, invited the sisters to go beyond the borders of their own structures, to live internationality, to respond to the calls of the Church and to the challenges of today and to strengthen the missionary dynamism of the Congregation with the audacity and creativity of Marie Poussepin. In the afternoon Brother Bruno Cadoré, the Master of the Order led us to reflect on the theme: "The meaning of authority in the Order".

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