King Abdullah II conferred upon the Italian Hospital in Amman the Medal of Excellence

on 15 Jun, 2018
Hits: 3083

Amman (Jordan), 04/17/2018, The Community of Amman, Italian Hospital.- On April 17th 2018, His Majesty King Abdullah II conferred upon the Italian Hospital in Amman the King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein Medal of Excellence of the First Order, in recognition of the accomplishments it has made since its establishment in 1928, as the hospital celebrates the 90th anniversary since establishment.

On behalf of His Majesty, Royal Court Chief Fayez Tarawneh, delivered the medal to President of the National Association for Assistance to Italian missionaries (ANSAMI) Maurizio Salietto. Tarawneh also expressed the King’s appreciation for the hospital’s relentless efforts to raise the level of health services in Jordan. During the ceremony, Salietto said that the hospital would not have continued its medical services without the support of the Hashemite leadership and Jordanian people over the years. 

We, Dominican Sisters of Presentation should be proud of our work in this hospital last ten years. We had done much renovation & repair work here, brought many new instruments to be well organized, up to date medically & surgically fitting for a hospital. Now we do not need to send anyone who comes to our door for help, to send elsewhere for complicated check-ups.

We thank the Lord for enabling us to be His instruments in the healing ministry of Jesus. We strictly follow all the rules of the country & we are transparent with our dealing with government & with ourselves, thus God blesses us.

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