Vietnam: Ever grateful for the providence of god!

on 09 Sep, 2023
Hits: 978

Lac An (Vietnam), Community under the General Government 09/08/2023: Sr. Mariamma Paul, General Councilor.- The establishment of a community in Vietnam is a dream nurtured for a long time, come true in Lac An in Phu Cuong Diocese on September 8, 2023. Many years of search and discernment made the Congregation reach this new land and erect a community of Marie Poussepin to live the Gospel here among the people in her spirit and Charism.

The three sisters Sr. Lilly Vadakkineyath, Sr. Arul Selvi Ignasiammal M (both from India) and Sr. Dang Thi Bich Ha (from Vietnam) arrived in this country on August 18, 2023 to begin the community: Chúa Quan Phòng (Providence of God). They are staying in the house offered by Mr. Dang Minh Cong and Mrs. Cao Thi Ngoc Mai, parents of Sr. Dang Thi Bich Ha in Vong Phan parish.

Sr. Deepa Moonjley, Provincial Superior of India and Sr. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran came to accompany them during the constitution of the community.

These few days of our experience in this country has been very positive as the people are very friendly, welcoming and value the sisters and want to offer us everything they have. The Catholics of this area have deep faith which they practice through participation in the daily Eucharist and activities of the parish with great respect for religious and priests. By nature very hard working, they maintain a simple life style, original to their cultural background. Their hospitality and generosity are admirable, they freely invite us for meals to their homes and brings food, vegetables and fruits for us.

Lac An, a small town, with great number of middle class catholic families has a very active parish and the parish priest is ready to help us. We see great possibilities for both service of charity and pastoral ministry in the parishes around as there are 8 parishes within 3 kilometers and many priests are ready to welcome us to the parish communities.

These are days of serious discernment for the community as the sisters from India will have to dedicate themselves to learn the language which is quite challenging for them. Sr. Dang Thi Bich Ha will continue her studies in Pastoral ministry and also will enter into services in the parish.

This “Providence of God” community and the sisters who constitute it, remain ever grateful for all your prayers, good wishes and greetings sent from different structures, communities and sisters.

We count your continued prayers and support as we entrust ourselves to God’s care, to be ever open to His Spirit and to respond to God’s will in fidelity, to live the project of Marie Poussepin with boldness and prudence here and now.