WITNESSES. 25 years ago: Unpublished historical document

on 01 Jun, 2020
Hits: 2514

Barcelona (Spain), 06/01/2020, Sr. Gemma Morató i Sendra.- Welcome to this video on the website, to introduce you to a new section in the Year of Grace, a section called "Witnesses." You can find this section in our web page in the section specially dedicated to the Year of Grace, the year in which we remember and commemorate the 25 years of the Beatification of Marie Poussepin

What is the purpose of this section?

Well, a remembrance, a journey back through our memory, a sharing on the events of November 20, 1994. We encourage you to make a video on how was that day for you, what did you do on the day of the Beatification of Marie Poussepin? Were you in Rome? Were you in France? Were you in your country? Did you have a big celebration? How was it? Do you remember it? Do you want to share about it with us? If you do, you can make a video, but make it always horizontally; you can also make an audio and for that, the only thing necessary is to make sure that there is silence and that it can be understood clearly. Otherwise, you can write a text, which we will translate into the three languages of our Web Page: Spanish, French, and English and thus, everyone will be able to read it; or perhaps, you may have some photos to share with us. Today, I am happy to inaugurate this section of "Witnesses," by giving my own witness. 


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On November 20, 1994, I experienced it as a grace, luck, gift, blessing, and miracle, when I went to Rome and participated in the beatification of Marie Poussepin. I was still in formation and living in the Provincial House in Barcelona, Spain. I had just begun studying journalism a few months previously. What do I remember about that day, apart from the great excitement and the feeling as if I were "floating" in joy? I remember the Forum dedicated to Marie Poussepin. I remember many faces and looks and many sisters from the Province of Spain who participated. As I look at the photos now, I see that they are already enjoying
the Lord and Marie Poussepin.

I remember the deep look and the noble attitude of Sr. Inés Mercedes, the contagious joy of Sr. María Fabiola and the deep and radiating joy of Sr. Madeleine St. Jean. What must have been that day for Sr. Madeleine, after all her hard work along with Abbé Preteseille for the Beatification? I remember the witness of sisters and lay people, speaking about Marie Poussepin. Sister Carmen, Provincial of Spain at that time, Sister Reetha Mechery from India, a doctor from Colombia who inspired the whole assembly, Dominicans friars and other sisters from different parts of the world. I remember arriving at St. Peter's Basilica and seeing Marie Poussepin's portrait hanging on its front entrance along with the others who were to be beatified. At that time, there were not so many security measures as there are at present and I was able to enter with a very big bag and you will see later what it was for.

I also had the joy to be seated in the first benches, behind a group of cardinals, because on that day I received Communion from the hands of my Pope. I am John Paul II’s generation, St. John Paul II. That day, the Pope was not at all well. We were all concerned whether he could finish the celebration and he did. It was a wonderful day; I was very moved to hear Marie Poussepin being proclaimed as a Blessed and to see the tapestry being unveiled inside the Basilica. Then there was the group of sisters, so many sisters from so many places in the world. So many students and old students, so many priests, bishops, cardinals and our dear Dominican brothers were there, sharing with us. And then a beautiful, fraternal meal which was enjoyed by many sisters on that special day.

I can't believe it! 25 years! That's already a few years. I hope, I wish that we can get Marie Poussepin canonized.

I told you that I entered the Basilica that day with a big bag, which was also yellow and looked even bigger. I also told you that I had just begun to study journalism. Well, in that bag I had a video camera of that time. And not long ago, on reflecting back on what I had been doing on that day, I remembered that I had taken a film that day; in a homemade way, with the means available at that time. And I was lucky enough to find that tape. It's that tape that I'm going to share with you now. Obviously, the quality is not the same as now, but the pictures have all the quality in the world. Why? Because they remind us, they recall us, they take us back to a historical moment of our Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation.

I do not explain any more. I leave, I share with you what I was able to film that day. Enjoy it! I embrace you and see you soon.