From Bogotá: Drawings for the Year of Grace

on 03 Jul, 2020
Hits: 1980

Bogotá (Colombia), 07/03/2020.- Two drawings share with us from the El Porvenir community and from the Vocational Youth Ministry in the Province of Bogotá.

El Porvenir

Drawing of Marie Poussepin. In it, one can see the face of our Blessed Foundress surrounded by the silhouette of the towers of the Chapel of the Central House in Bogota, and the representation of the pastoral care of education and the pastoral care of health, two outstanding aspects of our apostolic activity. Alluding to the Year of Grace that we are celebrating, number 25, is filled with the flags of the different countries where the Congregation is located.


In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Beatification of Blessed Marie Poussepin who with her hard work and dedication left us her legacy "Charity", an example of life, an example to follow. A drawing of Niyireth Lorena Gutierrez Pedazo, Karol Andrea Gutierrez Pedrozo, Angie Daniela Ramirez Salazar, Valentina Vargas Barreto.