In the spirituality of St. Dominic of Guzman, the Church proclaims her as:
Social Apostle of Charity. All the sisters are invited to follow her, imitating her.
Virtues, a true testimony of her life.
Tenderness and vigilance; educating the children and young people who come to us with a thirst of
God. Love for Jesus Christ and our most needy brothers and sisters in the difficult situation of the shadow of death, sickness and the cross in which we live.
We look forward to seeking a way of light and hope.
To the proclamation of Jesus Christ and his mysteries.
Respect for human dignity, which recognizes the worthy human being through understanding, tolerance and truth.
Intelligence in service, in the parish where the Church calls us and our brothers and sisters in need, in caring for the poorest.
In humble and generous service to the sick in soul and body.

A sustained prayer to God for the Church and the Congregation.
United with the humanity that awaits our dedication.
We would like to break and share the bread of love and joy.
Sow the seeds of the Kingdom of God in piety and goodness.
People at work, with simplicity and poverty as family traits.
To participate in the realization of a more fraternal and humane world.
I have been enlightened by the Light of the Word in the service of charity, with those who hunger for God, the hunger for bread and the real hunger.
Always in search of a way of life that lives up to the beautiful and noble name of: Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin.