"Marie Poussepin returns"

on 24 Oct, 2020
Hits: 1909

Concón, (Chile), 10/24/2020, Concon Lay group.- Very soon, will be over the YEAR OF GRACE for the 25 years of the Beatification of our Mother Foundress. The Vice-Province of Aconcagua: Argentina-Chile makes its own the poem-prayer composed by our dear Sister Betsabé Guevara Sandoval: "Marie Poussepin returns" (Vuelve Marie Poussepin) to ask her to come and visit us, may she enter into each of our communities, into each of our missionary spaces...

She may affirm us in faith and hope, revive in our hearts the love of God and of our brothers, so, with new ardor, we may continue to sow the seeds of Charity in the different fields that the Lord offers us at this moment in history. Perhaps in this way, we will become worthy of the awaited gift of Her CANONIZATION. That is why we ask Her: "Marie Poussepin returns".

Marie Poussepin returns!
Leave your well-deserved bliss for a moment,
your revealing epiphany of silence,
and, return to earth.
Bring it, we ask you,
your Gospel-laden simplicity,
your prudence, your audacity,
your unwavering faith, with your hope,
your charity that enlightened the earth.

 Marie Poussepin returns!
Tell God to lend you your eyes again,
with those you discovered beyond the poor man you were looking at,
the face of Jesus.
May he lend you his ear,
so you listened carefully, back in your time,
the young, the child, the old.
Tell God to lend you his hand
as a nurse, as a teacher, as a worker,
and, come to our land!
You will find the seed grown, watered in a good age.
You will travel to the four continents,
everywhere, you will reap the fruits of your labour as a worker.

 Marie Poussepin returns!
Show us that the world
is a hungry, sick and poor Sainville.
Walk with us on the roads
that separate the cities from the fields.
Come, do not delay your passage through history,
Discover our borders,
You point the way to the Presentation, in this hour.
Show us the place where we are to be for the Church.

Speak to us again of faith, of prayer, of Providence.
Tell us of the Triune God whom you worshipped with reverence.
Tell us again that God is always to be found,
If we are faithful, we do not stop looking for it.
Remind us to "talk to Him and about Him"
at all times.

Marie Poussepin returns!
That the wine of the fraternity is missing.
Come, let your desire be translated into deeds,
let there be service, simplicity, sincere forgiveness,
let there be goodness in heart and lips,
Let the truth be our language.
Never in a bad mood, always friendly.
Come and stay in fields and villages,
in suburbs and neighbourhoods.
And listen that today they call you Mother!
the poor children and also the rich ones.
Come, and seeing you with them,
we will learn to give ourselves tenderly,
sweet, vigilant, firm without harshness.
We will make ourselves loved and respected at the same time.

 Come, Marie Poussepin to our land!
You will hear the cry of the sick,
you will heal their wounds, those of the soul and body.
The poor, the old, all of them,
will find charity for their pains
and hope will burn brighter...
If you return, O Mother Foundress!
The violets will spread perfume,
the flowering tuberose and lily,
the rose of love will be open.
Work and poverty,
sweet inheritance will be for your daughters,
rich sources of peace and justice.

Marie Poussepin returns!
And, light up in the heart of each Sister
the flame of love for its Patroness,
the Heavenly Mary.
Her devotion will grow and by imitating her
in faithful surrender and loving gift,
will fulfill your wishes, beloved Mother.
They will live their charism in the Church
of Sister of Charity
Dominica of the Presentation.

Sœur Betsabé Guevara Sandoval
Dominican Sister of the Presentation.