Forever my Intercessor. Blessed Marie Poussepin

on 13 Nov, 2020
Hits: 2094

Marie Poussepin’s Home, Bangalore (India), 11/13/2020, Steffi Sylvester.- It was exactly 8 years ago that I came to Marie Poussepin’s Home for the first time, asking for an admission in the hostel. Little did I know about Dominicans and their way of life. All I wanted was a place to stay, a place to call home. Over a period of two months, from a blank page of not knowing Dominicans I progressed to learn quite a bit. Blessed Marie Poussepin’s history and life were still unknown; all I could see on a daily basis was her image in the glass painting in the chapel which reflects two different faces of her. When you see her from inside the chapel, it’s always a very calm and composed one. On the other hand, when you see her from behind the chapel, she has a very protective person’s look. (My friend and I were once scared by her looks on the glass painting, when we tried to sneak peek into the garden from behind the chapel). From that day onwards, I always tell Marie Poussepin “Oh good lord, your look scared us,” but over the tenure of my stay there, Marie Poussepin became my intercessor and one of my Inspirations.

Here’s what I think of her personally and what I admire in her. The whole world is now trying to progress towards an era where women discuss a lot about women’s empowerment, women’s rights, feminism etc., Blessed Marie Poussepin has always stood by those values back then; her practice begins at home and she really stood up for her family and eventually for the girls and women of her society; she cared for the poor; she chose to be charitable. Her bold personality is something to look up to. The personality of an individual is most often gauged from and by different aspects and parameters. She is a perfect example; she trusted in God; she surrendered herself to him; she hoped in him before anything else; she relied on the intercession of Mary throughout her life and she chose Saint Dominic as her role model. She stood by her values of being obedient, and charitable. This gives a complete picture of her.

When I went through her book, I could really sense the inspiration that comes from her; one can’t choose to be charitable, faithful, and obedient at all times; it’s a major challenge but it doesn’t harm to take baby steps and that’s what I try to do.

What do I imitate from Marie Poussepin?
As much as she and St. Dominic loved Mother Mary, I love her too; carrying a cross is a Christian way of living; Marie Poussepin had carried different crosses throughout her life; when struggles come my way, I sometimes feel that it’s the cross that I have to carry. Then you don’t feel the pain when you have literally understood the purpose. Being charitable was her trait, her core. I try to do my best. She loved and lived for her family; she portrays a beautiful example of being a loving and caring elder sister and a loving and responsible daughter to her parents. For me, this holds a very close connection.

In the last 8 years, every time I said a prayer, I asked for her intercession; every time I said the litany, she was in the list (Blessed Marie Poussepin - Pray for us). So many times, people have asked me who was it that I prayed to and talking about her, makes me feel happy.

Every time I say her prayer, it affirms my faith and reminds me of the values I should hold closer to my heart over everything else. I am very positive about her intercession for me and I will forever be her daughter. But now, I’ll have the saints fight for me because I love a ton of them without whose intercession, I feel lame. I pray that Blessed Marie Poussepin may join the Army of Saints soon!