Lectio Divina: Pentecost Sunday - Cycle A

on 25 May, 2023
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Bogotá (Colombie), Sr. Ana Francisca Vergara, May 28, 2023.- Created by the breath of Jesus.

 "As he said this, he breathed on them and added, Receive the Holy Spirit". Jn 20:22


From the beginning of creation, in the book of Genesis, to the Amen of Revelation, man is presented as a spiritual being. He became a living being by the divine breath upon him and is called to pronounce the Amen; this expression comes from the Hebrew Emuna which means to be convinced of something, to stand, to believe, to have faith.

Genesis and the Gospel of John tell us that God breathes in us, that we are created by his breath. Jesus breathed into his disciples and gave them the Holy Spirit. There is no doubt that, when John expressed himself in this way, he was recalling the text of Gen 2,7. It is the same allegory that Ezekiel saw in the valley of the dry and dead bones, when he heard God say to the wind-spirit, "Spirit, come from the four winds and blow upon these dead that they may live!" Ez. 37,9.


Breathing serves as a support and spiritual symbol for prayer because we are created by the divine breath. The Name of Jesus is a perfume that expands (cf. Ct 1,4) and that one loves to breathe because its breath touches the interior life, heals, casts out evil, communicates the power of the Holy Spirit who is, as the Byzantine icons express it in the inflamed throat of the Pantocrator, inhalation and expiration of love in the bosom of the Trinitarian mystery. The breath of Jesus is united to that of the Father.


O Father of all goodness, we thank you for dwelling in us; may the power of your breath within us make us witnesses of your love now and forever.


I am indeed indwelt by the divine breath.
God flows like oxygen through my being.