Bogotá: Tribute of gratitude to our Provincial Government

on 18 Oct, 2023
Hits: 960

Bogotá (Colombie), 10/18/2023, Sr. Nubia Yaneth Chávez Corredor.- “It is fitting[b] to thank the Lord, and to sing praises to your name, O Most High. It is fitting to proclaim your loyal love in the morning, and your faithfulness during the night,” Psalm 92:1-2

Last October 15, gathered as the Province of Bogotá, in the Chapel of the Central House we gathered in a heartfelt gesture of fraternity to express our gratitude and affection to those who during this five-year period were sent to accompany the daily life of the Province, each community and each sister.

Sr. Pastor Marín Vásquez, Provincial Superior and the sisters of her Council: Luz Nelly
Quintana Pérez, Flor Mariela Jiménez Beltrán, Fabiola Rojas Cruz, Mery del Carmen Moreno Cruz.

The celebration of the Eucharist presided over by Brother Franklin Buitrago, Prior Provincial of the Dominicans in Colombia, encouraged those attending to always accept Jesus' invitation to the fraternity's banquet, without excuses or limitations.

Then, gathered in the beautiful garden of the house, Sister Carmenza Avellaneda, delegate to address the words of gratitude to our dear sisters, expressed a sincere compendium of words that express the feelings of joy, gratitude, support and admiration, that the sisters of all ages we recognize in our provincial Government.

He echo his asides:

“Today we want to express our recognition, appreciation, and gratitude.

You, dear Sisters, had a period of government marked by:

  • You, dear Sisters, had a period of government marked by:
  • The decision of the 55th. General Chapter: “Start a new stage of restructuring in the Congregation”
  • The coronavirus pandemic.
  • The underlying legal and administrative changes at the Palermo clinic;
  • The restoration of the Chapel,
  • The celebration of the 150 years of the arrival of the Congregation to Colombia; among other factors that are well known within the Province, with the enormous implications that each of these tasks required, such as search, discernment, planning, achievements...

We have great challenges left to continue advancing in depth, coherence, and commitment; Paths are opened for us to deeply embrace the charisma bequeathed by Our Foundress, which needs to evolve as the Spirit drives it according to our fidelity and response to her calls and motions.

May the Lord bless you and grant each one what she needs to continue with joy and serenity on the path to the new province.

Thank you, Sisters, for your close, simple, and fraternal testimony of life, for the fruits produced and that today allow us to collect the harvest to present it to the Lord, with trust and hope.