Giving life in the ordinary and the extraordinary

on 01 Dec, 2023
Hits: 907

Baghdad (Iraq), 11/30/2023, Sr. María Ángeles Flores.- A humble woman, a friendly gesture, a welcoming smile; slow movements, the mark of years of service to the sick, of nights of vigil and arduous efforts to support St Raphael's Hospital in Baghdad; a respectful, welcoming, serene, firm gaze; in her you find care, respect and relief.

I am referring to Sœur Maryanne-Pierre, administrative supervisor of St Raphael's Hospital, who received, on 17 November this year, together with nine doctors, the Benémerenti medal from our beloved Pope Francis (the papal award "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" is the highest distinction given by the supreme pontiff of the Catholic Church to the laity and clergy).

The award was presented by Mgr. Mitja Leskovar, Apostolic Nuncio, and Mgr. Jean Sleiman, Archbishop of the Latin Church in Iraq. Sister Maryanne-Pierre was fraternally accompanied by Sister Bernadette Youssef, Vice-Provincial Superior of the Middle East, by Father Ameer Jaji OP and by the sisters of the communities of Iraq.

Sœur Maryanne-Pierre and the nine decorated doctors are loved and respected at St. Raphael's Hospital, people who have given their lives, with professional quality, in ordinary daily service, not infrequently for free, and in extraordinary service during wars, violence, shortages and threats.

Our sister Maryanne-Pierre expresses that the merit extends to many other companions:

"I must say that the honor that touches us today is not ours alone: many generous and competent people have worked with us for many years: doctors, nurses, administrative and auxiliary staff. Nor should we forget the commitment of our generous benefactors who made it possible for our Hospital to serve thousands of sick people in the most difficult times, and for us to care for the wounded during the violent clashes. Together we were able to provide a service to our beloved city of Baghdad, following the teaching of Jesus' example that in each person, especially in those who suffer, we should see a brother and a sister.

We hope, by the grace of God, that this Hospital will continue to be the home of all who seek relief from suffering, whether corporal or moral, and that we will always be, following the example of OUR LADY OF THE PRESENTATION available, devotees and Apostles of charity according to the charism of our Mother Foundress Marie Poussepin.

With these sentiments I would like to say once again on behalf of all of you: Thank you very much, God bless you!"

We will be present wherever the Church calls us, wherever our brothers and sisters need us, without distinction of country, culture, or religion, willing to take the risks and to accept the sacrifices which evangelization entails (C 84)


Dar vida en lo ordinario y lo extraordinarioDar vida en lo ordinario y lo extraordinario