From Bogotá: This is how we see you Marie Poussepin

on 13 Jul, 2020
Hits: 2054
Bogotá (Colombia), 07/13/2020, Sr. Lucía Patricia, Community Poussepin.- 
”There is no holiness without effort; only those who dare to nail their pupils
without fear of being blind, can look at the sun head on”.
José Ingenieros

“Marie Poussepin was the simple and bold woman; Humble, energetic and tenderly kind, who lived hidden among the thick foliage of life, seeking shade and fleeing to be looked at, in her daily work, escaping by force, pride, appearance and vain lies. On the rock of faith, she cemented her spirit and opened her way, among the difficulties that the world offered her. She lovingly gathered the light of the Gospel; She lived from the Lord and no one, or anything, kept her from dreaming and rising to the top of her aspirations."

Her idea crystallizes in firm realities

Those realities. She identify themselves in their loving service to the poor and less fortunate and in the idea of sharing their solidary compassion, founding a congregation of women, who assimilating their spirit, were able to sacrifice everything, in favor of those who are not worth the eyes of the world because they have nothing:

Marie Poussepin, always kept in her heart and in her mind, THE IDEAL OF CHARITY lived according to the command of the Lord, and exercised under different forms according to the needs of her brothers and sisters..

She as a courageous and authentic woman practiced all the virtues

Marie Poussepin lived a path of holiness characterized by honesty and truth, because of that, we are encouraged to follow her ... she marked with her spirituality the rhythm of her life. Therefore, attracted by its virtues, we dare to imitate it, because honesty is this simple virtue that all the sisters inherited from our founder, faith, hope and love, they were the Christian and religious force, who supported her, to achieve her dreams and projects.

Marie Poussepin, I love your ideal ... love for the Father in Heaven; Jesus, the radiant star who motivated her vocation and the Divine Spirit who strengthened her with his gifts and charisms, took her to horizons, full of light, which she copied in her soul and left them in the garden of her Congregation, so that they were objective and encouragement, of those who proudly marched in their footsteps.

Marie Poussepin you live among us. In our schools, clinics, hospitals, universities, formation houses, Pastoral centers, Provincial Houses, etc. they admire and venerate you, waiting to see you ascend to the altars, as holy and humble: SERVANT OF THE LORD.

What joy we experience: what pride we feel when we think that the cause of your canonization is in the hands of our Lady the Virgin Mary, in her mystery of the Presentation. She whom you loved so much, collects our prayer offering, filially asking for your canonization.