From Spain: Prayer to Marie Poussepin

on 08 Oct, 2020
Hits: 1885

Barcelona (Spain), 10/08/2020, Sr. Gemma Morató i Sendra and Sr. Conchi García Fernández.- Just before October 14th, the feast of our mother foundress, Marie Poussepin, and in the context of the Year of Grace, the province of Spain wants to recover the original score and recording of the Prayer evoking Marie Poussepin composed by Father Domènec Cols i Puig, canon of the cathedral of Barcelona.

Domènec Cols (1928-2011) was a distinguished and renowned liturgical composer, chapel master and organist of Barcelona's cathedral. He stood out for his musicalization of the Divine Office. A great friend of the Congregation, in 1987 he was asked to compose the music for the Prayer to Marie Poussepin and he did it with great affection. We believe that this is a good moment to share a little bit of history with the whole Congregation. We offer you the original scores of the composer along with the MP3 file containing the original recording of the song. We hope you enjoy it.

Multiple voices


To one voice



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