Thank you from the Coordination Team of Year of Grace

on 18 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1913

11/18/2020, Coordination Team of Year of Grace.- Dear Sisters: As we come to the end of the year of grace for the 25 years of the Beatification of Marie Poussepin, we are filled with joy and gratitude to the God of all graces and blessings, for strengthening us in our love and commitment to Him and to His people, through our Congregation. We are grateful to Blessed Marie Poussepin for inviting us to renew her/ our Charism, heeding to the calls of the Church and being attentive to the cries and yearnings of our brothers and sisters.

We are overjoyed that Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, our Superior General and her council gave the Congregation this golden chance to focus on Marie Poussepin and her gift to each one of us. Our sincere gratitude to all our Sisters, laity, collaborators, students and friends who enriched us through the web page for the year of grace, making use of their gifts and talents. It had been a great joy for all to see the diversity of expressions that came out day after day in the web page. ‘Thank you’ to all those who helped us with the translations, the designing and setting up of the web page and all its logistics.

We enjoyed working in the Commission and are grateful for all the support and encouragement we received from the General Government, different structures, communities and sisters. We are happy and grateful for what all of us together could accomplish as well as for all the hidden prayers, sacrifices and acts of love, compassion and mercy, which enabled us to speak to God often and speak of Him often. May our renewed love and commitment be our living homage to Marie Poussepin, as we come to the close of this year of grace.

We remain united to all of you, as we prepare for the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin. May she, the model for our consecration, intercede for us!


United in love,
Sisters of the Coordination Team of Year of Grace - Srs. Rosario Amelia Garcés del Castillo, Reetha Mechery, Blanca Aurora Marín Hoyos, Pélagie Kaboré and Gemma Morató i Sendra.