12 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1886

Chinácota, Norte de Santander (Colombia), 11/12/2020, Technical school Nuestra Señora de la Presentación.- This song was composed by Professor Carlos Rojas Chona and his wife Yaneth Prada, as a conclusion to the virtual song festival: "La Presentación sings and enchants", organized by the Institución Educativa Técnica Nuestra Señora de la Presentación Chinácota Norte de Santander directed by Sister Eudelia Saavedra Zabala in the year 2020.

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11 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1769

Bucaramanga (Colombia), 11/11/2020, Sr. Belkis Tatiana Arenas Blanco.- I am Sr. Belkis Tatiana Arenas Blanco, I was born in San Gil, Santander, (Colombia). I have been a professed sister for 6 years and I am a temporary Voeux sister in the Province of Bucaramanga. Among the gifts, gifts by God, I am discovering a taste for art; although I do not have any technique, I have taken the risk of painting this simple picture in honor of Marie Poussepin, to celebrate her beatitude and thank her for what she means to me.

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10 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1973

Soatá, Boyacá (Colombia), 11/10/2020, Normal Superior School La Presentación.- In the context of this Year of grace, joy and gratitude to God for the 25 years of the Beatification of Marie Poussepin, the educational community of the Normal Superior School of Soata Boyacá joined the whole Congregation in this beautiful celebration with various activities in which the different levels of the educational community participated. Sisters, directors, teachers, students, parents, administrators and alumni, who displayed all their creativity to express their love for Marie Poussepin and the richness of her charisma present in the world and in Soata Normal School during 83 years of existence. 

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