26 Aug, 2024
Hits: 809

Dassasgho (Burkina Faso), 26/08/2024, Vice Province of Africa.- On August 24, 2024, the Vice Province of Africa welcomed five new novices during a Mass presided over by Father Laurent, the Camillian novice master, in our chapel at Dassasgho.

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30 Jun, 2024
Hits: 916

Paris (France), article published in the magazine Études 2024/6 (June), pages 79 - 89 Éditions S.E.R., Sr. Anne Lécu.- In addition to prayers for healing, in recent years there has been a boom in so-called "deliverance" prayers and the attempt to justify them by developing a new concept, that of "bonding", which would be neither vice nor error. Originating in the Charismatic Renewal and especially in the Pentecostal world, these prayers have gradually been incorporated into the practice of many new communities and far beyond. However, they raise several questions, of which this article aims to draw up a non-exhaustive inventory.

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30 Jun, 2024
Hits: 1469

La Grande Bretèche, Tours (France), 06/25/2024, Sr. Rosario Garcés del Castillo.- Work on the Grande Bretèche is nearing conclusion, with the General Chapter due to take place soon. The workers were exceptional in meeting the very tight deadlines: 9 months for the entire St Catherine's building. In the presence of Sr Véronique Margron, our Provincial Superior, a cocktail gathering was prepared to thank them.

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